Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What God has....

Ephesians 5:1-2

I was reading the verse of the day from You Version.  Ephesians 5:1-2 NLT

"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ, He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."

What does this verse mean to you?

To me, this verse says that I am to do what God does with people, but how?  God knows things before they happen.  He knew his disciples would deny Him, abandon Him, betray Him, and he still loved them, but He knew that he needed them at that time and He knew that they had free will to do so, because He gave it to them.  How would God have reacted if He was told to just believe without knowing what these men were going to do this?  Would He have continued to love them after they came back and apologized? After He came back from the dead?

Tell me, would it be easier for you to love your neighbors, if you already knew how they were going to be, how they were going to react, how they were going to judge you, how they were going to gossip, how they were going to be the best version of God toward you?

I think so, I think that if I knew what people were feeling before hand, it would be easier to react toward them. I could change my approach depending on the person, and say things softer or harsher. People have a tendency to be nice on the surface, no matter what they are really thinking. You can ask someone how they are, and they will tell you, 'I'm fine,' when they are not. I personally look angry or upset most of  the time, when I am not, but I also react harshly to situations pretty quickly, and yet I am actually fine, but that is not what it looks like, I also have a hard time showing/expressing my emotions in other areas, try giving me a surprise and watch how I react, most people who know me, know I won't give you anything, I don't mean to look or seem ungrateful, I truly am [grateful], but it's not how I am wired, but give me a surprise that I am aware of, it's a whole different ball game.

God wants us to imitate Him, copy Him.  But He did not give me everything He has, the ability to know what people are thinking, what they are going to do next, what they are going to give me, how they will treat me, He did not give me the ability to walk on water, to make more fish out of a few fish.

Or am I just thinking about this too hard?  I also read a blog post today that told briefly of the Good Samaritan, http://branthansen.com/2014/08/05/  and how God just wants us to stop and be kind and love, no matter what day it is, no matter who the person it is, no matter what you have done in this life, just like He does. Is it that simple? Probably.

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