Thursday, July 24, 2014

The work

Jeremiah 29:11-12
Proverbs 16:3

I call this post the work, because its all the hard work that Live Love has been doing on two different ends of the world. Without one the other would not be as successful.  Live Love in Arizona and all the supporters, has been teaming up with Live Love in Malawi to build a clinic, get medical treatment, get sewing machines to the women, and teach them how to sew, have barefoot Sundays to provide shoes and jobs in Malawi and so much more.  Each and every person that supported us with prayers, shoes, supplies, financially is also apart of this, you all helped in your own way, even if you were not there, and I want to thank you for that.  I personally would like to ask you each to continue to pray for Live Love and the ministry that they provide.

Two years ago Pastor Paul, Melinda and their four children were in Malawi together. While there they met a lady who was very ill.  What started out as, what we would call a minor cut, turned into an infection, then a bed sores. The village could not afford to take her to a hospital, and by the time Paul and Melinda got there it was too late, her infections spread to the point that all they could do was try to make her comfortable and keep the flies that had already lady hundreds of eggs on her, off.  On the way home from Malawi, Melinda got a call in Texas that the lady had passed away, they had not made it home yet.  This struck a nerve with Melinda and Paul and they decided on that day that they  wanted to do something.  They decided on putting clinic and staff in that village. They did not want someone else to die of something that was very preventable.  I did not know about this story until we were driving to the village.  I only wish I would have taken my camera out to capture the reaction of both Paul and Melinda, and what all the supporters of Live Love helped accomplish.  I've never seen two people more grateful. With God's help, they thought about this clinic, and everyday we drove into the village, they thanked God and all the people who made this dream happen. This was an incredible event to be apart of.  I knew about the clinic, but not the story behind it.  This clinic will provide so much for so many.  If you go to my short video blog, you will see Paul on the roof before it was finished and the excitement on his face. He is like a kid in a candy store.

The brick on this clinic is made by the villagers. 

Chief Malika and her husband inside the clinic.

Here is the only clinic in this village.  They were 90% done by the time we left.


Another thing we did while there was get five, foot pedaled sewing machines to the women of the village, and teach them to use them. Because they do not have electricity the machines and the tables for them were going to cost a lot more than expected.  So our children's ministry pastor, Jen, took this project and never looked back.  She talked to the children from 1st-6th grade and they wanted to help.  What Jen didn't know was that when they started to little project with the children, it blew up (in a good way).  These children raised enough money to buy three of the five sewing machines. Then she found Sandy, a seamstress who has been to Malawi, her husband is one of our elders and she is an amazing teacher, who along with her 18 year old daughter Caryssa, taught these women how to sew.  We used the clinic to teach the women.

This is Sandy showing them how to thread the needle.
Everyone of these women were completely involved, and wanted to learn.

When one woman would try and they completed the task, every one with congratulate them.

Once they understood what they were doing, they would start teaching
each other how to do it.

Once everyone had their turn and they all knew what they were doing,
They started to make fun of each other when they would mess up,
Theses women had a great sense of humor and work ethic.

This is Love, one of our translators/students, who also learned how to sew.
Each of the students that were with us that day, wanted to learn too.

This is Blessings, the Live Love Malawi leader.
Learning to sew, he did great.

The foot pedal on the machines.

There is really no way to describe both of these days, but to say you had to be there.  And hopefully someone reading this will want to go with us next year.  Yes, I hope to go again next year, its all in God's hands though. I would love to see what they finish in a years time. Live Love is not just in Malawi, they are also in Thailand (partnered with The Exodus Road helping to end child sex slavery, Liberia, Haiti, just finished building a new church after the hurricane a few years ago and Chandler, AZ.  So what you see is not the only place your prayers are going to, it is going to so much more.  Zikomo.

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