below is an email from the Live Love Malawi board of directors.
As some of you may have heard, Tushah and Innocent were in a car accident with the Live Love vehicle at the end of August.
They are both fine! Neither of them were hurt!
They were driving late at night to pick up Diana who was struggling with her asthma and needed transportation to the hospital. A drunk driver pulled into the main road and hit the back tire of the truck, causing them to lose control and after swerving severely, the truck flipped over.
Although it is the drunk drivers fault (thankfully, she was also uninjured) and police were called to the scene, well…TIAJ. There will be no payment from the other driver or insurance and the time it would take to fix the truck and the cost would be high. I've attached some pictures.
The wisest thing is to purchase a new vehicle, however this was not planned for in the budget for this year.
We need your help. This vehicle is imperative for the staff to have transportation to and from the village and to fulfill all of the tasks associated with their ministries.
Please prayerfully consider helping us with a one-time donation that will be used to purchase a new vehicle. We would love to raise $10,000 for them. This is the cost they have investigated in the past to purchase a multi-passenger van type vehicle.
You can donate by clicking on this link
http://donate.whatislivelove.c om or going to the website Pick Malawi in the project drop down and put vehicle in the memo.
If you prefer to use check or cash please contact me at or 480-353-9041.
Hope Stevenson
Blessings Chibambo
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