It always seems impossible until it’s done-Nelson Mandela
If you didn't read my first post about the teams we were on go
This is the second half about teams and a little of what we did while we were in Malawi.
High school team- I wish I had more to say about them. I know they did amazing things, loved on wonderful people and helped any way they could. I know that they were in a bunch of places, but they were their own group most of the time. I know that they served on several other teams as well. The one thing they did do that we have never done was go out to another village called Kaungu about 3 hours away and give away 50lb bags of maize. I remember one lady telling us that it was devastating to see the famine, starvation, bloated guts on babies and children, lack of water. We see the same thing in the villages we go to, but not nearly as bad as what they saw. I wish I had pictures of them, but I barely saw them on campus, let alone out in the villages. But they did amazing things.
Construction team- What did they do? They built a couple huts, painted the brand new
The beginning of building a new bridge |
women's/widows seeing building, painted the new girls school in Mkanda (I don't know if I told you all this, but they pronounce every letter in their words so Mkanda, the M is pronounced like movie, or 'mmm, mmm, good' Campbells soup.) they helped start building the fallen bridge in the village, that helps cut the commute time in half. They put some extra touches on the clinic, they bought a lot of supplies, fixed some huts that had fallen roofs, put a huge water tank on top of a huge brick wall for water supply to new agriculture farm coming soon. They helped build some huts in the village for visitors to stay in, I believe they did so much more, but I wasn't there for all of it.
Medical- What don't they do. They did at least 1 clinic everyday in a village (Mkanda, Chiliza, Chipamapha, mguwie) they did several clinics in prisons. They saw hundreds and hundreds of people. They checked to see if anyone had malaria, and gave medication to help fight it. They also handed out certain antibiotics to anyone who needed it. Dr. Cook, our request doctor who has been 7 times I believe did some bigger surgeries on some of the Chiefs, like huge tumors. He is actually an OB/GYN doctor who specializes in surgeries and emergencies. He also does preventative care and counseling. One of our key people in Malawi him and his wife lost their baby in September of last year and she was 8 1/2 months pregnant. If she was in America the baby would have survived. Dr. Cook was able to be there to talk to them about what happened and answer questions, and to counsel them in their time of grieving. And also let them know what to expect, if they ever got pregnant again. It was a good thing for them, for their healing, and their future. I never went out with them, so no pictures :(
The whole village watching a movie of themselves and
where they live |
Media/film- Mosaic church brought along their film and camera people. There were 3 people in all. 2 of them just took a bunch of amazing pictures of EVERYTHING. and one of them took a bunch of video, he even had a drone there. Can you imagine the faces of people who have never seen an object fly, let alone a drone that is taking their pictures or filming them. The kids LOVED IT. . They were able to see themselves on video. It was pretty amazing to see and hear. The ooos and awwes and the laughter was beautiful. In the end the film crew (1 guy), was able to edit all his work into about a 10 minute film and show it to the village on our last day. It was a pretty amazing feat in itself.
Flyer of our worship team to do a free concert in Malawi, our girls headlined |
Music and a show or two- We had a wonderful eclectic group of musicians with us. We even had a huge concert event with two of the grove worship team and a famous Malawian popstar, the turn out was huge. The grove brought several people who knew how to sing and play instruments, we did worship everyday. The Mosaic team, well pretty much everyone knew how to sing on this team, they wrote their own songs in Chichewa and they had a small team who went around and taught everyone in the villages how to sing them, they also directed a small group of children in a play, that they showed us on our last day. There was so much incredible talent, it was fun to go into a village and have them sing Mosaics song, and it was fun to see the creativity the children came up with when making props for the play.
Women's and widows team-
This is my team, this is the team that I started on 3 years ago, and this is the team that I was able to help lead last year. This team is all about bringing God to the women
One of three women's conferences, Mosaic lead this beautiful
and amazing conference |
and the widows of the village, these women are going to be the ones to bring their village to God, and show them that he is worth it. These women believe in our team, they believe they were put here to share their knowledge and wisdom of God and his love. They are the ones who are learning how to read and going to the literacy school that was started, they are the ones learning to sew so they can sell what they make and bring in money for their families, to help provide, they are the ones who are learning to make jewelry to again bring in money. They are the ones who will learn to garden and bring food to the table, they are the ones who are going to change Malawi starting with their own village. And the changes that they have been making slowly for the last 7 years has paid off, the reason we went into Mkanda village this year was because these women have the presence of God. And they travel around and talk about Live Love and what we (you all too) are doing to help them. And last year they came to a wedding my pastor went to and asked him if he would start coming to their village. They see God in our presence and want to know him.
Justice team update: From the last post that I did about
Which team today part 1, I said that our justice team got 11 people out of prison and one child. I learned a little more about the woman and child that were in prison. The lady was falsely accused or being in a mob riot. She had proof that she was actually in the hospital with her child. Because of this story and Sean and his team learning about what happened, since we left 11 more people got of prison that were falsely accused of being in this riot, and 5 other prisoners were set free due to other convictions. This is an amazing new team bringing justice to another country, I am so proud of everything they have done.
This man has only one leg, he
lost it when a group of men attacked
him. He is very sweet, he
speaks English well |
This man was the only man in any village to come to our
womens conference to be in the presence of Goe.
He believes with all his heart. He sat next to this tree the
whole time listened and prayed, he is in this picture.
I felt God in his presence the moment he sat down. He
was amazing.
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